An interesting case presented to us two months ago in the month of August with Shortn ess of breath, abdom inal dist ensio n. The patient complained that she was not able to pass stools since four days for which she took some home remedies. However, the condition did not relieve and she developed abdominal distension and shortness of breath for which she sought medical attention. Upon eliciting this history, a CT scan was suggested for the abdomen. The report showed mass in the ovary. An laparotomy was done to perform Total Abdominal Hysterectomy wi th Bila teral Salpingo-oophorectomy. The patient developed hypo tension on the table and the surgeons were forced to stop the surgery after excision of the mass. The mass measured 6,600 grams and the specimen was sent to histopathological examination. The report came out to be clear cell car cinoma of the ovary. The levels of CA125 were raised. (196 IU/ml) After the patient was discharged in early September, she was ref...